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Emergency Preparedness

Bug Out Bags

In the event of an emergency or natural disaster, it may be necessary to evacuate your home for an extended period of time. It is strongly suggested that you create some family emergency procedures and plan ahead. Many people prepare by assembling the materials needed to sustain life for 72 hours. This is commonly referred to as a bug out bag, go bag, or 72 hour kit. This bag should be easily accessible to grab at a moment's notice if the need to evacuate should arise. Contents of your bug out bag might include:

  • Food - MREs have a good shelf life. You may want a spork, knife, cup, can opener, camp stove, etc. Be sure to check your food supply regularly. Use the food before it goes bad, and replace it with new food.
  • Water - The suggested minimum amount of drinking water is 1 liter per person per day. You should include a refillable water bottle in your bag.
  • Clothing - You should have a couple of complete changes of clothes, including underwear and socks. Work gloves are a helpful addition, as is a hat. A poncho can keep you dry and alive. If you have kids, make sure that you are keeping their current size of clothing in your bags.
  • First Aid Kit
  • NOAA Radio
  • Diapers and wipes for the kids
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Lighting - flashlight with batteries, candles, etc.
  • Heat source - matches
  • Emergency blanket
  • Phone Charger with power bank - power banks can be purchased for under $20 and can keep your cell phone charged for minimal use over a few days.
  • Cash in smaller bills
  • Area map & compass
  • Paper and pencil
  • Copies of important documents - insurance policies, birth certificates, etc.
  • Prescription Medication

Here are some things to remember before leaving home in an evacuation situation:

Know where the water and gas shutoffs are in your home and, if time permits, shut them off prior to evacuating. Grab your go bag and see that neighbors are okay.

Home Fire Drills

Every family should conduct home fire drills at least annually. October 15th is National Home Fire Drill day and a good choice for a date because the weather tends to not be too cold and is shortly before the winter heating season begins.

Stan Steele Insurance
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Bloomfield, NY 14469

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