Home Frequently Asked Questions

The Importance of a Household Inventory

How will they know what belongings were in my house if I have a claim?

It is our recommendation that every household keep an inventory of personal belongings. This greatly simplifies the process of reconstructing a list of items that were destroyed or damaged in a claim.

A home inventory can be a written list or a photograph or video. It is easy to create a photograph or video inventory using modern technology available in readily available consumer digital cameras or smartphones. Make sure that a copy is stored in a way that it can be retrieved if the camera itself is damaged. An example of this would be storing the photo or video at another location such as at work, at a relative's home, or in the cloud.

Stan Steele Insurance
Stan Steele Agency, Inc.
55 State Street
Bloomfield, NY 14469

585-657-6101 office
585-657-6442 fax
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